How Does Personalization Affect Search Engine Rankings

How Does Personalization Affect Search Engine RankingsMost of us can remember the time when everyone saw the same search results. That’s true, no matter where you were, what you searched and when. In fact, someone else searching anytime on the same keywords would see exactly the same results as yours. It was that simple. Those were the days. Also, they weren’t that long ago. Although now, personalization has taken search by storm. As a result, the opposite happens. Not only can the same search by different users show varying results, it can be tailored to the user. That’s true in Google, Bing, and so on. And, that seems good for the user. But, on the other side of the coin, how does personalization affect search engine rankings? Is it good for internet marketers and SEO?

How Does Personalization Affect Search Engine Rankings and SEO

With personalization, some generic listings may still stay the same, for unique users on the same keyword. Although, the tracking for a user’s location reveals much. So does how they surf the web, even who they know. As a result, they’ll also see those tailored listings.

In fact, it’s about what country you’re in. It’s about your local whereabouts. Also, personal search history, and who you’re connected too all lead to personalized search results. Ask yourself if you want your site viewed as relevant for a given country, state, certain locales and keywords. These more than ever must be part and parcel of your content. For example, it must be clear to the search engines (se’s) you are in the US, in the State of California, in a specific city, county or both. And, your site must be optimized to bring that ‘flavor’ out in branding, optimized content, with targeted keywords. That said, how does personalization affect search engine rankings and SEO? Answer: profoundly.

When it comes to local search results, you have local search options at your disposal. You find that in the Google Maps and Local listings feature, for example. In fact, it’s easy to sign up, and it’s free. By the way, do you want to get even more of an edge on personalized search results? Become an information guru in your area of expertise. Also, provide lots of ‘how to’ data. As a result, you may even find your listing in the zero position. That’s on top of page 1!

User Personal History and Your SE Ranking

You can find out more about how user personal history influences your site’s visibility in the se’s, from the pros at ProStyle Development. Although here’s a tip. Things like +1, likes, tweets, follows, subscribe to your site or brand all play pivotal roles. They help your site pop up in the personalized searches, where you want to be seen.

Search rankings and SEO involve a lot more than personalization. Although, as we’ve learned, ignore it at great, marketing peril. Also, if you want volumes of invaluable tips, the full history and solution, talk to the experts. Talk to the ProStyle Dev team.